
Android has updates every month that you can’t miss

We never stop recommending that you update your phone whenever you find a new version available and it’s for a reason. Although many people are only concerned about updating their operating system when a new version of Android arrives because it includes many important improvements and new features, there are other updates that are as much or more relevant than these and go more unnoticed by many people. We talk about security patches available for Android phones, which many phones also receive every month.

Even if you take extreme precautions by not installing apps that you shouldn’t, your cell phone may be in trouble. danger if you haven’t updated it for a long time. For this reason, older cell phones end up becoming outdated and becoming perfect targets for cybercriminals.

What are Android security patches?

The android security patches They are those that keep your mobile phone free of errors and safe from attacks, threats and security flaws that can compromise you. They do this by solving the vulnerabilities that have been detected to prevent any threat from attacking your phone by taking advantage of it. Thus, it protects you from dangers such as someone accessing your data, stealing your money or attacking you in other ways by taking advantage of a vulnerability in your mobile. Therefore, it is important update your smartphone every time a new patch comes out security.

Different brands such as Google or Samsung can reach release monthly security patches on their best phones every month. Each of them fixes software vulnerabilities that have been detected in previous versions. They can also be corrections to apps, operating systems and others. Of course, we must also differentiate patches from security updates, since while the former are a solution for a specific problem, the others are a more complete improvement with Various changes and bug fixes. Both are key to the greater security of your device and are sometimes named the same.

Month after month, Google presents monthly security bulletins indicating the vulnerabilities detected and shows its updates with patches. Other brands can do the same with their own bug fixes, which add these improvements to their own so that you can update your device and make it more secure. Although we frequently inform you when there are new patches for different devices, When one arrives on your mobile you will get a notificationor you will see it in the settings section where the mobile is updated, which will depend on the specific model you have.

Mobile manufacturers promise a certain number of years of Android updates on their best phones, and also They offer security updates on all mobile phones. The years they offer depends on the model, with the high-end ones being the ones that enjoy the most updates and the entry-level ones being the ones that are updated for less time. There are even brands that do not promise any updates on their cheapest phones.

To give you an idea, the Google Pixel 9 has arrived with 7 years of Android updates and security patches guaranteed. For its part, the Xiaomi 14 offers 4 years of system updates and 5 years of security patches. The day that your mobile stops receiving security patches It is the time when you have to think about changing it for the security of your mobile and what you have on it.

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