
Buying an RTX 4090 now would cost you 1,000 euros more than 6 months ago

In the absence of official confirmation, NVIDIA will present the new range of graphics in the series RTX50 in a few weeks, at CES 2025, an event that, once again, is held in Las Vegas and that the company already took advantage of last year to announce the RTX 4070 Ti, RTX 4070 Ti SUPER and RTX 4080 SUPER.

A few months ago, various sources indicated that NVIDIA was about to stop manufacturing the RTX 4090, the highest-end model of this manufacturer to start production of the RTX 5090.

When a new generation is launched, of any device, as the presentation date approaches, the old one drops in price to release the available stock, however, with the RTX 4090 the opposite has happened.

Price of the RTX 4090 in Spain

Unlike what one might expect, the price of the NVIDIA RTX 4090 has only risen and is currently in both Europe and the United States well above the price it had a few months ago.

Without going any further, we just have to take a look at some of the models available on Amazon Spain through third parties. The GIGABYTE GeForce RTX 4090 WINDFORCE V2 24GB is currently priced at 2,775 eurosa price that drops from 2,999 euros since it has a 7% discount.

This same graph model, in June 2024shortly before the first leaks related to the production of the RTX 4090, was priced at 1,759 euros. In October, when the rumors appeared, its price rose to 3,476 euros.

If you were considering taking advantage of the launch of the RTX 5090 to buy the RTX 4090, the best thing you can do is wait for this new model to hit the market. It will be then that the RTX 4090 will be available at a lower price than when it arrived on the market as manufacturers will need to get rid of the accumulated stock.

Also in the United States

The RTX 4090 price issue not only affects Europe. The same thing happens in the United States. In stores like Newegg, the cheapest model is the NVIDIA RTX 4090 TUF Gaming from AUS It is priced at $2,700. The rest of the available models are between $3,599 and $3,999.

On Amazon in the United States, exactly the same thing happens, with most of the models sold out and only available starting at $2,500 for the cheapest version.

RTX 4090 United States prices

Other establishments like B&H have all the models they have sold of this model as discontinuedlike BestBuy, thus confirming that this NVIDIA graphics model has stopped being manufactured and that they are the only stores that still sell it because of the stock they had accumulated.

Why has this happened?

The main reason why the price of the RTX 4090 has skyrocketed so much in recent months is rumors that the RTX 5090 will be much more expensive than the current top-of-the-range model.

Some rumors suggested that it could go up to $2,500, much more than the previous generation cost and always talking about the Founders Editionnot the versions that the assemblers will launch and which are always more expensive.

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