
Do you like racing simulation games? Then you need these peripherals

There are a large number of games that allow us to enjoy extremely realistic experiences, but on many occasions we need a series of peripherals extras to be able to achieve that level of realism, and this is what happens with the games of simulation. Specifically, in those who are racing We need to try to find a way to simulate the experience of driving a car, and that is why we need the main components of a vehicle to be able to replicate this sensation.

Racing games represent a genre that has a large number of followers, and the motor world has always generated an extremely positive response from people who like video games, for this very reason it is possible that some They want to have a simulator in their home that allows them to explore the best feeling that exists when playing a title of this style.

What peripherals do I need for a racing simulator?

All games have some peripheral that is absolutely necessary to be able to play well, and in the case of racing simulators it is clear that they take the cake for needing the complete pack, and although they can be played with a controller or even with keyboard and mouse, it is best to use very different ones. In this case, the first thing we must keep in mind is that it is not something that is cheap, and that we need three main peripherals to be able to have the perfect simulator, while there are other optional ones that will improve the gaming experience.

Steering wheel

The first peripheral What we should have when using a simulator of racing It is clear that it is the steering wheel, and it is the one on which absolutely everything related to this type of games turns, since they are the ones that offer the ability to drive the car just as we would in real life. Being the most important, it is also the most expensive, so the models that we can find from recognized brands generally do not go below €200, while there are models from lesser-known brands (and of lower quality) that we can find. in a range of €100 to €150.


The combination of steering wheel and pedals is more than necessary, this being the main reason why all packs usually incorporate these two peripherals together, and that is that, although the steering wheel includes everything necessary to be able to play, the sensation is not the same. the same if we do not use matching pedals. As we can well imagine, the function that these have is to offer users the ability to accelerate and brake, so it does not have much more mystery, but it is still something that cannot be missing.

shift lever

One of the peripherals that are not usually included in the packs but that we find essential is the gear lever, although many of the games offer users the ability to have the automatic transmission, this is an option that we will not find in the simulators. more realistic if we want to score well. Changing gears with the buttons on the steering wheel can be a bit tedious, and this is the main reason why we would use a lever for it, since the feedback is much more realistic as we can well imagine.

We leave you a complete set of these three peripherals as an example of what the perfect combination would be.

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