
Have you messed up with the BIOS on your PC? Try these methods to fix it

Through the BIOS / UEFI, we can modify the operation of the PC components to get more performance out of them. However, unless we know exactly what we are doing, it is not advisable to change its configuration, since we can ruin the operation of all equipment and cause it to stop working.

If you have done any change in bios and the PC has stopped working, shows a black screen, makes beeps, hangs loading the operating system or does not offer the same performance as before modifying the BIOS, it means that we have not carried out the process correctly.

Fortunately, as long as it is a bad BIOS / UEFI configuration, this problem has several very simple solutions that we show you below.

Troubleshoot BIOS/UEFI

The first thing we must do is find out which key we must press during the PC startup to access the BIOS. Unfortunately, each manufacturer uses a different key (they could already agree). The easiest thing is to search the Internet for the manufacturer of the PC board.

Another method, try with the keys F1, F2, F10, Esc, Del or look closely at the image that is shown as soon as you turn on the computer since it shows which key we must press to access the BIOS / UEFI. We can also do it from Windows, however, it is a long and unintuitive process.

Restore factory settings

The quickest and easiest way to get your PC back up and running is to restore the motherboard’s factory settings. Most motherboards operate with default settings, settings designed to run most components without major problems.

Remove the battery from the board

It is unlikely that, using the above method, the equipment will not function as before. However, there is the possibility that the process is not carried out correctly and we are forced to reset CMOS removing the battery from the motherboard and waiting a few minutes before inserting it again.

The CMOS is a chip that stores the information of the bios settings and it works thanks to the battery built into the motherboard. By removing the battery, you are eliminating the motherboard configuration, being the most used method to solve problems with the BIOS.

Use the manufacturer’s software

Another method that we can also try to solve the BIOS problem with our PC is to use the manufacturer’s software. While it is true that we can find third-party applications on the market, they do not work on newer generations of boards due to the security measures implemented.

ASUS, Gigabyte and MSI offers this type of applications for its most modern plates. If your computer is not exactly modern, you can use applications like CMOS De-Animator 3 with which you can restore the operation of the CMOS. This is an application that has not been updated since 2014, however, it works with a large number of plates, except for the most recent ones. The download is free and available from here.

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