
How to watch DTT channels on your PC with and without Internet

With a PC, we can do practically anything that comes to mind, from controlling home automation, to using it as a server and even using it to see DTTin addition to the use that most users make both for playing and working.

This is one of the reasons why, when buying a console or a PC, it is always advisable to opt for the latter. If you want to see DTT on the PC that you usually use or on a laptop or computer that you no longer use because it has become outdated, there are several methods to do so.

Through the Internet

The simplest and fastest method to watch DTT on any computer, regardless of your computer. operating systemis to use an Internet connection. It is important to note that this option is compatible with any operating system, since older computers will run better with a Linux distribution than with Windows.

This is possible because any Internet browser is used. If we are clear about the channel we want to see, the quickest and easiest way is to visit the channel we want to see directly. However, there is a much faster method and that is using the Photocall website.

Through this websitewe can access hundreds of channels from all over the world, channels that are broadcast freely, so intellectual property is not infringed. If you are looking to access paid channels, you will not find them through this platform.

But of course, we do not have a permanent Internet connection, we cannot use or any other platform to watch TV. The solution to this problem requires a small investment of money by purchasing a USB either tv tuner card.

Using a TV tuner via USB or PCIe

The TV tuner cards They had their moment of glory in the first decade of the 2000s. However, today, we can still find different models on the market at more than interesting prices and with which, we can not only watch TV by connecting the card to a antenna, but we can also record our favorite programs.

Watch DTT from your PC

These types of cards are ideal for use in second homes where a TV is not enough to cover the users’ needs and where hiring the Internet is not an option, especially if we do not use this residence regularly.

One of the best-selling and highest-rated models on Amazon for watching television on a computer through the antenna is the Hauppauge Win TV. This device is DVB-C compatible (wire), DVB-T and DTT in high definition.

It is compatible from Windows 7 onwards and consumes very few resources. It includes a double tuner with three TV modes at the same time and the software to use it. In addition, it also includes a remote control to change channels without using the application.

This same manufacturer also has a model with PCIe format to be housed inside a PC. Hauppauge’s WinTV-quadHD includes support for DVB-C (wire), DVB-T and DTT in high definition. It includes a remote control to change channels without leaving the chair and, through the included software, we can watch, pause and record up to four programs at the same time.

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