
If you stream and have an old NVIDIA graphics card, do not update OBS

Many people use hardware on a daily basis that for a large number of users may seem obsolete, but that still has its functionality, often allowing even the creation of content, such as live streaming, with first-generation graphics. It all depends in the end on the type of live that each person does, since obviously there are some that require much less power at the hardware level, while the most demanding games need more, but now those who use a graphics NVIDIA Kepler They will not be able to stream with OBS after its last update.

From time to time we can see updates to certain programs that end up eliminating compatibility or support for older hardware, and in the end with each patch that they release, developers must find a way to optimize it for any of the generations that it may have. example a graphics card. This means that if a user who has hardware that is not compatible, or for which the program does not offer support, may end up generating instability problems, or may not work at all, as we can imagine.

OBS will stop supporting first generation Kepler graphics cards

OBS updates implement more and more improvements, and the company behind this software is working to offer the best experience to the users who use it, greatly improving aspects such as the coding used, in collaboration with some platforms. like Twitch. This allows those who stream to have to worry less about the technical details and can simply dedicate themselves to creating content instead of having to configure practically everything related to the quality that the live stream may have.

But there are also updates that make many users have to say goodbye, either to the program or to their extremely old hardware, like the latest one launched by the brand, since it will not offer support for the NVENC of graphics cards Kepler of NVIDIAthat is, the first generation. This really is nothing new, and the fact is that the company that develops these graphics stopped offering drivers for them quite some time ago, which implies that they have already considered this generation as finished, being practically obsolete.

Nvidia Kepler

This generation was the one in which the TITAN graphics cards were presented for the first time, and it was also the first that allowed hardware coding to be incorporated integrated into the component itself.

The update also incorporates a large number of changes that allow users to more easily manage the application with streaming sites other than Twitch, such as the fact that they have enabled native YouTube chat functions. On the other hand, they have also added a series of additional effects such as the NVIDIA Blur filter and background blur, while another of the additional implementations they have made are the preview scroll bars and zoom/scale indicator.

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