Within the PC components market we can find a large number of parts that manage to impress us, either because they offer spectacular performance, due to their efficiency or directly due to the fact that they have extremely high durability. But in this case these three aspects manage to combine in a new power source born from the collaboration between Noctua and Seasonic, and this is fountain of feeding is capable of powering the most powerful computers thanks to its extremely high power, but at the same time, it is extremely silent.
Many times we can forget the importance of the power supply in a PC, in the end it is responsible for ensuring that it has enough energy to power all the components, but there are also other factors that are equally important, such as its durability. , the protection systems it offers or the efficiency it has, since if one of these aspects fails or is inferior, it is very likely that we could have a lot of problems, not only with the PSUbut also with the rest of the hardware, so many companies like Noctua and Seasonic They look for a way to offer all this, but without causing too much noise.
The best power and efficiency combined with the greatest silence
Noctua is a company recognized for having some of the best cooling products on the market, something that they also usually combine with the fact that they usually have quite low noise, making it the perfect solution for those who want a computer that makes the least noise. possible. Although until now we had not seen how they have applied it to other products beyond their own fans or heatsinks, making the collaboration with Seasonic one of the brand’s first contacts with other PC components.
And they have collaboratively presented the new power supply Seasonic PRIME TX-1600 Noctua Editiona completely modular 1600 W model that comes with everything we would need to build a high-performance PC. Both companies know what a computer that needs 1600 W consumes to operate, one of the main reasons why this €500 source incorporates the highest energy efficiency on the market, and is that it has an 80 Plus Titanium certification. , although this does not mean that it has noise or temperature problems.
This is mainly because the main reason for the collaboration is in the cooling design made by Noctua, since it incorporates the NF-A12x25 fan along with a grill specifically designed to reduce its noise. To keep it as quiet as possible, the source will not activate until it passes 50% load (with an ambient temperature of 25 degrees or less), but even when it starts operating at 100%, both brands claim to operate at a level much lower noise than other PSU models, since it only reaches 24dB(A) compared to the 34dB(A) that the normal version of this source has, for example.