
This keyboard costs the same as a high-end computer

Many of the peripheral brands that we can find on the market offer products that may have extremely good features, causing them to have prices that for many people may seem excessive even if they do not exceed €200. But far from being solely on this price, the keyboard that Serene Industries has developed costs practically eight times more than one of the ones we mentioned above would, since it is the most expensive that we can find, with the additional feature that it is built completely of aluminum.

Keyboards that usually cost more than €100 incorporate cutting-edge technologies, whether in the switches, the connectivity they offer, the design that incorporates additional elements or directly because of the durability they offer. What is clear is that in terms of durability there is none that surpasses the one we are going to show you, since it is probably one of those that best withstands impacts as it has a complete structure of aluminumand by this we mean that practically all of the keyboard It is made of this material, including the strange keys it incorporates.

A high-end peripheral that costs more than many computers

On many occasions we can think that a peripheral is something that cannot exceed a specific price, since in many cases it stops being functional and becomes extremely expensive for something that could also offer us a much cheaper model. This is something that applies with the Icebreaker, a new keyboard that really costs too much money, since far from being extremely functional, it has a price of 1500-1600€ for the way it looks and the shape that has been used to build it, something that makes it really curious but that would not be a reason why someone would pay the equivalent of a computer in a peripheral.

And the reason we have mentioned why it costs so much has to do with the material used, since it is created from a single block of aluminum created through CNC machining, a technique used to handle metals extremely precisely. Beyond this, what it includes is everything we could expect from a keyboard of high range which costs around €200-€300, has a 65% distribution and measures 450 x 44 x 24 mm, while incorporating a configurable EC11 rotary dial, two silicone shock absorbers to reduce noise and vibrations, and a battery of 4,000 mAh with an autonomy of about three months, according to the manufacturer.

Expensive aluminum keyboard

In addition to this, it also includes certain additional features such as a series of micro-perforations in the keys that allow the backlight to shine through them, since they are also created from aluminum and have a concave design. In general, it is a premium product that we do not even know when it will be launched, since the brand is currently doing a pre-sale campaign, although they assure that they will begin manufacturing them when this ends, on January 28.

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