
This mini screen is bullshit, but you’re going to want it on your PC

If you use a second monitor to display notifications or if you are looking for a second screen for your PC and a dual monitor configuration is not feasible due to space problems and if even a portable monitor or a tablet does not fit, the solution to this problem is WebScreena small device with a screen perfect for displaying any type of information, although its main function is to display notifications.

Mini screen for PC in the form of a webcam

The most striking thing about this device, which has not invented anything, is its design. WebScreen has a design similar to that of a webcam, which allows it to be located above the monitor without taking up space on the desktop. In addition, we can customize it so that it shows the information we want, be it calendar notifications, message notifications and anything else that comes to mind. It is important to note that this is not a monitor that connects via HDMI to the PC, but it is a screen that works independently.

With this screen, there is no more having to stop what we are doing when a notification from our mobile phone appears, we receive an email or a reminder appears since all we have to do is raise our head slightly to where the screen is and check if it really is. deserves our attention or we can continue where we were.

WebScreen has a AMOLED screen with a resolution of 240 x 536 pixels and capable of displaying up to 16.7 million colors. It is managed by the ESP32-23 chip and it is an open source project available on GitHuballowing users to customize their user experience through JavaScript applications that run directly on the device via a microSD card.

Webscreen - notifications screen

This project is designed so that any user can create it themselves since all the materials necessary to carry it out are available on this project’s GitHub page. projectfrom schematics and PCB layout to materials, firmware, desktop application and plans to print the case with a 3D printer.

It also includes a USB-C port in addition to Bluetooth and Wi-Fi connectivity. It has a size of 74 x 80 x 53 mm and a weight of 53 grams. One of the promotional images of this device shows a Google calendar notification, another shows an animation in GIF format, the evolution of the price of Bitcoin, but it can also be used to show notifications from a live streaming or simply to show reminders or any type of phrase.

Although this project is designed so that any user with the appropriate knowledge can carry it out, it is also planned to launch it commercially through a crowdfunding campaign. If you like this idea, you can sign up through their website from the following link.

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